Located just North of the Lizard on the South coast of Cornwall, Mullion is one of the most attractive villages in the county. Because of this it attracted visitors from all around. Mullion harbour once a small fishing harbour now home to a few sailing vessels far from the commercialisation of Falmouth.
In 2004 a study of Mullion harbour was conducted to determine the viability of maintaining and protecting this picturesque place, from the horrors of winter storms and the ever impending fate of sea level rise.
from this 3 choices were presented to the mullion stake holder group which was set up by the National Trust.
The first choice of constructing an offshore breakwater was immediately dissmissed as being to costly and environmentally damaging.
The second option of maintaining and repairing the harbour walls and current defences was not dismissed, but seen as a solution to the temporary situation and thus combining it with the third option of leaving it to slowly fall away. This strategy will be adopted by the trust when the cost of annual maintenence is deemed no longer viable.
In 2006 work was carried out costing £150,000 to repair and restore the Harbour after the winter storms. From then until now the Harbour has been maintained and is still going strong.
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